Now when you share links on LinkedIn Pond will create a thumbnail and a summary of the page you're sharing, just like Facebook. That means you can share your cool new designs or your new toys on both LinkedIn and Facebook with just one click - and both sites will get the same content.
That's not all. We wanted to go the extra mile for the professional users and now you can share your photos directly to LinkedIn. Pond will upload them to the cloud and share the link to your photo in LinkedIn complete with thumbnail.
Don't you get annoyed when you can't one click your mobile photos to all your accounts ? Well, not anymore. Now you can post photos directly to Twitter from your mobile. Just chose your twitter accounts when posting a photo and Pond will make sure it gets there.
Happy mobile uploads!
Pond has a couple new Facebook features. The first you probably used already, if you do a status update including a URL Pond will automatically share the link instead of plain old booring update. You'll get the site thumbnail and description just like any other link share in Facebook instead of plain text.
The other you probably haven't noticed yet, you can now post notes to Facebook from Pond. Navigate over to "Text Post" and you'll notice you can select your blogs and Facebook accounts to post your longer texts. No more posting to blogs and then copying over to Facebook. Or you can post to your blog and then simple share the link in Facebook. You choose!
Having a posting method which won't allow the user to select where the post will be published can lead to complications, as we soon proved.
We couldn't let this stay like this and so we built a quick hack by which you can select which accounts will get published to.
If you go to your account configuration in your Pond account, you will notice that each account has a name, which you can even change by pressing the rename button on the right-hand side of the list of accounts. This name is there to facilitate finding out, when you look at a list of events, which account did the event come from, but it will now also be useful in selecting which account will we publish to.
Let's imagine, as an example, that your Publish by e-mail address is, and that you have three accounts, a personal Twitter account named MyTwitter, a personal Facebook account named MyFacebook and work Twitter account named WorkTwitter.
If you wish to publish to your personal Twitter account, you would use the name portion of your e-mail (blue25orange in this example) plus (+) the name of the account (MyTwitter) resulting in For the other accounts, the e-mails would be and .
You can also get creative and "add" more than one account, such as
There are some restrictions to this: only alphanumerical characters are supported in the account name part of the e-mail, as well as underscore. No accented characters, please, convert them to the unaccented versions before using. Thus, an account named Zé's Account (personal) added to the above example, would become An account named João_has_an_über_twitter will become
Yes, it's a bit geeky, but I'm sure you'll appreciate the extra flexibility.
So, you wish to post to your networks using good, old-fashioned, e-mail?
Maybe you want to automate postings (please don't spam) or ... maybe, just maybe, you wish to cross-post from Google+ to your other networks and don't know how to: Pond is here to help.
All you have to do is add an email to one of your circles, and whenever you post to that circle, we'll re-direct your post to your other networks.
Before we show you how, let us list the warnings (please read them):
This was planned yesterday around lunch time, written during the afternoon, tested this morning and launched now, so pay close attention to that BETA tag, please.
Now that we have got that out of the way, how do I go about setting it up?
Simple, go to accounts and read the "Publish by e-mail" section, which will tell you your very own, unique, publishing email. Anything sent to this e-mail is published on your networks, though currently only on those that support status updates.
To cross-post from Google+, just add this address to one of your circles. Anything posted to that circle will appear on Pond. Keep in mind that Google+ sometimes takes hours to send the email out, so an ocasional delay is inevitable.
Keep this email address to yourself. We trust any e-mail sent to this address as being yours, and will publish anything on it as being your own, so please don't tell other people about it. If you feel your email has been compromised, you can go to your account page and reset your e-mail address to a new one. We will promptly drop the old one from our list.
Hope this is useful, we definitely had fun doing it.
We added a new feature to the webapp which we call Blacklist.
You can now add words to the Blacklist box on the right-hand side of your screen. This Blacklist will remain active during your session and any event with words contained in the Blacklist will be blocked.
You can any content from one of your events, including the names and usernames of your contacts!
The list will be reset at the end of your session. Do you want some word for longer? Here's a trick to achieve this:
1 - Write the required words in the searchbox at the top right of your screen, with a minus sign (-) in front of each (ex: "-cucumber -tomato")
2 - In the Timelines box, press "Save" and give a name to this timeline
3 - There you go: select the new Timeline any time you wish for some peace :)
Yes, it's a "hidden feature" of our search
We updated the Webapp with two new features:
- Targeted events - now, when a friend writes on another friend's FB Wall, you can more clearly see to whom the message was intended; this also reflects Twitter replies.
- Save timelines - Pick some filters or a search term and save that as a new timeline, great for keeping your most used searches handy or creating timelines with your favorite services or accounts
Go try it out!
We've been making some changes to Pond for the past weeks and are beginning to implement them. One of the ideas we've had for a while was to transform the "events for me" timeline into an inbox, enriching the content you can get there and improving the overall experience.
For when you really can't be bothered to read a timeline, but want to quickly check if anyone has specifically interacted with you on a given network, having an inbox is essential.
It would be very valuable if you could, at a glance, see all your Twitter mentions and DMs, comments on your Flickr photos and YouTube videos as well as all of your Facebook interaction, like when someone posts on your wall, comments or tags you in a photo.
Working towards that goal, we've just lauched an update to the webapp that allows you to see all sorts of interaction your friends have with you in Facebook. You don't have to do anything if you already have your Facebook accounts authorized in Pond, just go to "events for me" (soon to be renamed "inbox"), and see Feed and Photo Comments, Tags, Likes and Posts your friends make directly to you.
Hit "see original" to be sent to the content in Facebook if you want to further interact with it. You can now also use filters on the "events for me" timeline if you want to show/hide Twitter and/or Facebook interactions.
With this update we've brought into Pond another valuable feed of information, neatly organized for you and we hope to be bringing you more of this kind of updates, soon.
We've changed the way you register so that you don't need to confirm your e-mail address for 7 days, meaning you can start using any Pond app straight away!
This is particularly useful if you're one of our mobile clients like TMN Pond (for Android, iPhone or WRT), or registering through our mobile website at
Just fill out the registration form (which is convenientely simple and short), login and start getting everything in one place.
You will still receive a confirmation e-mail, of course, and you are still required to click the URL we'll send you in order to make sure no one's abusing anyone's inbox. :-) But you'll have a week to take care of that, so, everything is much more comfortable now.
Please notice, though, if you do not confirm your e-mail address within the seven days, your Pond account will be suspended.
Happy Ponding!
We have just updated the web app with three changes:
- The publishing box on the timeline now auto-hides when you are not using it, leaving more space for content. If you mouse over it or place your cursor on the typing box, then the publishing options will expand and you will be able to pick which accounts you want to publish to, see a character counter to guide your tweet writing and...
- ...add an image or video to your status updates. That's a new feature, which we will be expanding to our mobile apps soon. Pick an image or video file to upload, send it to one of your accounts and get a shortened URL back in the status update box.
- Finally, we made some cosmetic changes to the timelines in order to simplify the views and improve legibility. As Pond evolves to support more content and more actions over that content, we will be simplifying the UI so it stays out of the way of the user's interaction with said content.
We hope you like the new stuff, we'll keep on updating the apps and letting you know. Have fun!
A subscrição é anónima e gera, no máximo, um e-mail por dia.
. New LinkedIn features - p...
. Update to our Publish by ...
. New (BETA) feature: Publi...
. New feature in webapp: Bl...
. Facebook notifications in...